Having one of the most deep-rooted histories in Ecuador, Aerolineas Galapagos started its operations with its domestic flights to 7 regions for both passenger and cargo trasportation in 1986. Upon providing services for domestic flights for many years, the company decided to use El Dorado International Airport as its base for international flights in 2006. Merging with Avianca, a Colombian airline company to convert itself into a global company, Aerolineas Galapagos then managed to make tremendous impact in the international arena by incorporating into VIP Ecuador in 2012. Aerolineas Galapagos has direct flights to Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Peru, and the USA.
You can find Avianca Ecuador flights on Wingie. Wingie directly gathers instant data of the airline and compares it with other airlines. You can view all Pegasus flights for the date and destination you are looking for, and compare prices with other airlines.