About Tiaret
Tiaret, a city in the center of Algeria naming after the large agricultural region, is located in the southwest of the capital city of Algeria. The name of the city means “female lion” in the Barbary language, and it is named after the Barbary lions living in the region. Tourists and local people are highly interested in this place.
Tipaza, which was a colonia in the Roman province Mauretania Caesariensis, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site List. By allocating one day for the region, you can see the special mosaic and basilica remnants and the foundation of the church as well as Salsa Basilica.
You can walk in the walking tracks of the Théniet El Had National Park in Tissemsilt and watch field hockey, the traditional game of the Barbary people, if you find a chance. Especially in autumn and winter months, you can enjoy the breathtaking view of the mountains. You can go fishing or snorkeling or spend a day in nature in La Maison du Plongeur in Chlef Region. You can spend a day in Relizane, the capital city of Relizane Region, and have a nice time in the cafes and restaurants by the sea.
You can taste the local delicacies of Algeria in Tiaret, which has the traces of the Turkish, Mediterranean and African cuisines. You should taste cous cous, méchoui and soup besides baklawa and kadaif as dessert. In Tiaret, where you can taste special food from the world cuisine to the local one, you can give a chance to the wines produced by the restaurants themselves. The best time to travel to Tiaret, which has a typical Mediterranean climate, is the summer and spring months.